Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Singing sneekers: atheletic sport poems

Jukka Itkonen 2015: Laulavat lenkkitossut : urheilullisia liikuntarunoja
Illustraded by Matti Pikkujämsä

Finns are sports fans. Any kind of sport and they'll watch it.  I never understood that until I talked with a girl, who said it is very relaxing to watch soccer or other sports, because you know what is going to happen. Just follow the ball/puck/any sport instrument. But if you  observe my mother-in-law during a hockey match, it is far from relaxing, she gets really excited and passionate about cheering for the Finnish team.

This book is about sport poems. First is soccer, then comes every possible sport including Mölkky.  Not to forget the sportsfans on the couch, the penkkiurheilija. I hope this book inspires children to move and find a hobby that makes them move.

The Finnish  couch potato

Other poems from Jukka Itkonen in Crocodile sweats. And other poems about sports in Marjaliis Pitkärantas Kesäkisat.

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